Friday, September 17, 2010

The Replay

This weekend will be another one spent at "the replay". I work at Disc Replay, a store that buys, sells, and trades DVDs, CDs, and video games. But, Disc Replay is much more than a job to me. Some of my best friendships have come out of Disc Replay. I have had quite a few adventures at "the replay". These adventures include numerous rides in cop cars, as well as others. I have been a member at Disc Replay for about two years, and I have loved every second of it. In high school, there were so many times that I heard friends and acquaintances complaining about their jobs flipping burgers or folding clothes. I never had to deal with any of these experiences. I was stocking video game shelves, or even playing the games. There are many things that Disc Replay has taught me about work as well as life. The main one is that you can never guess what is coming next. And, whatever it is that is coming, it is nice to have your friends there with you. I hope that I can always have a job as much as I enjoy "the replay".

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This isn't goodbye, this is see you April 7th.

I recently attended the Indianapolis Indians final home game of the 2010 season. Although they didn't make it to the International League playoffs, I couldn't be more proud of the effort that they put into the game each and every night. I am going to miss going downtown and sitting in section 208 of Victory Field. The smell of Hot Dogs and the roar of the fans is something that has become a part of me throughout the years. Even though the 2010 season has ended for the Indians, I am not going to say goodbye. Instead, the countdown has begun. You can put money on the fact that come April 7th, I will be there watching and cheering for the Indians. It will be weird opening day, as it always is, to see new faces and not see the faces that you became familiar with the previous season. Players such as Jean Machi and Brandon Moss will not be there next season. But not to worry, they will be on the biggest stage of baseball in Pittsburgh Pirate's uniforms, and I am sure that I will see them on SportsCenter. This season was great, and I know that with the Indians, I couldn't expect less.